Home of Northside Theatrical Conservatory

written & directed by
Teco Trent of Gosspa Productions
Johnathan has a ticket to a kingdom of wealth like none other for everyone in the town of Centralia. Centralia carries a death sentence for everyone there. But they refuse to accept Johnathan’s offer and refuse to leave Centralia. Why? What would you choose? .

RED - The hunt for a killer and a king
written & directed by Bishop Horace Hockett
This show was such a hit we ran the entire show with new youthful vibe of young adult and teen actors combined with the original veteran actors from the previous show and original music!
RED is a delightfully colorful story of a young maiden who lives in the woods. She falls for a mysterious, charming stranger, Thurston Howl, III. Thurston is searching for answers to a dark family secret. RED is his connection to facts. He is the connection to the truth.
RED is illuminated with a talented cast, original re-mastered music an original script and a state of the art set to take you to an imaginary place with real life challenges.

written by Elder Harold Hockett
directed by Shemiah Quarles
If you were accused of being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?
Evidence encapsulates a glimpse of family members where each make personal choices in their lives that determine their destination after they expire.

Ella is the step-daughter of a wicked woman with 2 daughters. All single women are invited to an enchanted ball. The Prince is searching for a bride and all the ladies are invited but Ella is forbidden and locked away. Will she have a chance to be Chosen?

There's a new villian in-town and he is ready to do everything he can to buy out every home, business and church! He hasn't met Rocky. Rocky is determined to stand on a sure foundation of fighting against this intruder. However, he is alone in his efforts due to the wild and careless neighbors and friends who have no clue of what is about to happen and change their lives forever.

written & directed by
Bishop Horace Hockett
A mysterious man, visits a small town near you. His mission is to warn everyone that their days are numbered. Then one day...something strange happened.

written & directed by
Bishop Horace Hockett
What if there were no God…the Holy God? What would the world be like if you could do what you want, when you want with no accountability to anyone?

written & directed by
Bishop Horace Hockett
What do you do when your choice between your dreams and your family is a life or death decision?

written by Barbara Mason directed by Denise Owens
Mama must have heart surgery but her heart is breaking with the reality that her grown children are moving further way from truth.

written & directed
by Crystal Joy
What is the one thing that would turn your heart cold to living a Christian life? STONED presents 4 scenarios of people whose hearts have turned so cold, dark and cruel. Can anyone turn their hearts around?

written by Pascia Smith,
Bishop Hockett & Crystal Joy
directed by Dr. Lawrence James
Love fairy tales? Reflections is a unique and insightful spin of Snow White. However, a simple kiss does not work to bring her back to life. There is only one way.

written by Bishop Horace Hockett
director Dr. Lawrence James
A delightful rendition of Cinderella and her evil, selfish step-family collide with a feisty impact. Cinderella surprises everyone of her deliverance without the key glass slipper.

written by Bishop Horace Hockett
director Dr. Lawrence James
Since the day he was born, he was and is the most sought after, criticized, rejected and accepted man who ever lived and died. Why is his life and death so important and effective to us all?

written by LP Team
director Dr. Lawrence James
The hand of God in one man? Can the piercing of one man's hands really be a part of changing the hearts of all men?

written and directed by
Bishop Horace Hockett
Daniel loves Christmas. Unfortunately, this season seems to go in a direction that could change everything he knows about Christmas.

written & directed by
Bishop Horace Hockett
If you could get what you want whenever you want, absolutely free, is it really free? Are there any unspoken strings attached. Shackin' is the true test of freedom.

written & directed by
Bishop Horace Hockett
The power of the enemy is no match for God. But what happens when the enemy is released on you?
*Additional shows of posters not pictured are "The Only Loving Left" written by Stacy Green, directed by Crystal Joy,
"On Your Own" written and directed by Bishop Horace Hockett, "Faith Walking People" written by LP volunteer writers, directed by Dr. Lawrence James, "I am the Vine" written by James Bradford directed by Dr. Lawrence James, "Lonely" written & directed by Bishop Horace Hockett, "Redemption Song" written and directed by Denise Owens (Coffee House Event), "St. Luke: The Crucifiction & Ascension of Christ Jesus" adapted from the Book of St. Luke by Dr. Lawrence James, "Still Knockin'" written by Pascia Smith, "The Case of Sarah T." writer Anonymous, "The Ways of the World" (original script of "That's Normal"), "Through a Child's Eyes" writer Anonymous, "What a Mighty God We Serve" writer Anonymous, "When Death Comes" writer Anonymous, "4 Love" written and directed by Chasity Gunn, "An Easter Play" writer Anonymous, "A Historical Truth for All Generations" by Pamela Graves Hagens, "A Typical Day in Hell" writer Anonymous, "Christmas Story" writer Anonymous, "Disciples of the Times" writer Anonymous, "The Donor" writer